Hill Country Ponderings

Hi, and welcome! I'm Roger Ritter, a pilot, computer programmer, photographer and writer who lives in the Hill Country of Central Texas. On this website you'll find pictures for sale (mainly of airplanes), essays, articles, and other writings, and general information about aviation and flying. I also do web design and computer consulting work, so you'll find information about that and links to various projects and clients I work with and on.
This place is growing, so check back often for new stuff. I'll try to add new material fairly often, but no guarantees. I'm dancing as fast as I can, but real life keeps cutting in.
Recent Changes
19 August 2009
OK, so things haven't exactly been a hotbed of updating here. Nevertheless, I've finally found the time to add another bird to the list. This is an FA-18C Hornet from VFA-83 back in 1989.