Roger Ritter Consulting

I am available to consult on a variety of computer-related problems and projects. My specialties include web design, hardware troubleshooting, and database design and programming.
My qualifications include a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Southwest Texas State University, and over twenty years' experience in computer programming, administration, and support for both Microsoft Windows and Unix (including Linux). In addition to my own website, I've designed sites for businesses and non-profit institutions (see my client list for some of them). If you'd like to discuss hiring me, please drop me an email.
As a web designer, I prefer simple, usable websites that present their information clearly. My web pages are designed using recognized web standards, including XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets. Since the web is a fluid medium, there's no point in trying to carve a website's style and appearance in stone, so my sites will not look the same on all computers. Instead, I aim for the goal of having the information in the website be usable on as wide a variety of browsers as possible, even if it isn't as pretty as it could be. Speed is also important, so my sites are kept as small and quick-loading as possible. My philosophy is that the website should communicate your message, not distract people with lots of flash and sizzle.
Simplicity sells.